eBay error - Variations Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different. Missing name in the variation specifics or variation specifics set.


eBay error - Variations Specifics and Item Specifics entered for a Multi-SKU item should be different. Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation specifics of the variations on the item.

eBay will show the above error message/s on your products in Omnivore if you try to add an item specific which has the same name as the product variation name. Size and Colour are common examples but this can be other names as well. The example below shows "Colour"

How to fix this error

  • Click into each Product page in Omnivore for the product/s which are showing this error.
  • Scroll down to the Custom Additional Attributes section in the eBay Australia Product View section
  • Click remove next to the duplicated Attribute Name 
  • When you have done this for all affected products go back to the eBay Australia tab on the Omnivore Dashboard and click "Upload to eBay Australia"