
eBay Out-of-Stock control allows you to keep your eBay listing purchase and search history so that when you add new stock, the original eBay listings become available to buyers once again. This may be helpful in keeping your search rankings in eBay. A listing's sales and buyer interaction history can influence its rank in search results. As sellers are competing against each other for position, developing and maintaining a strong performance history can make a difference in sales.

How a product quantity of zero affects your eBay Listings

When the quantity of the listing reaches zero (either because all the items were sold, or you adjusted the quantity), your listing stays active but hidden from eBay search results.

The eBay listing will reappear in search results when you increase the quantity of items available.

If your listing has a quantity of zero for 180 consecutive days, it will be ended.

Your 'Out Of Stock' / Multi-Quantity Listing preference must be set to 'Yes' in eBay so that when products go out of stock in Omnivore/eBay Link or you have a connection issue, the listing does NOT end. Omnivore/eBayLink relies on this setting to revise listings so if you want listings to end when they hit 0 stock you will need to manually end them in eBay.

How to check Multi-Quantity Listing/out-of-stock is active

An active eBay listing with no inventory is not going to be updated in eBay until inventory is added to it. This means that any changes to images, shipping, descriptions, titles, prices, item specifics, etc will not update in eBay until the listing becomes active and visible to buyers again.

Manually ending Out of Stock listings

If you would like to end your out of stock eBay listings manually please read this article