We recommend that you read the eBay Policy on duplicates - https://www.ebay.com.au/help/policies/listing-policies/duplicate-listings-policy?id=4255
eBay Australia takes duplicate listings quite seriously resulting in listings being removed from your store
and can quite often result in account and listing suspensions.
If you are an eBay LINK retailer and you have received a notification from eBay about duplicate listings we recommend the following:
Please consider these points before contacting Support:
- Locate the product in eBay LINK by searching under the Products heading, search using product name to locate the listing in eBay LINK. Note if the product is inactive and / or if it has any eBay validation errors.
- If you find two instances when searching using the product name it could be a case where the SKU in your eCommerce store has changed and we have imported the product with its new SKU, hence now there are two products that are the same but different SKU's. Note if you change the SKU of a product, we do not update SKU's, nor do we edit SKU's in eBay LINK. New sku = new product in eBay LINK.
- Furthermore, if the product title, price and description are the same or even similar but the SKU is different this will create a new listing and as per the policy above will get marked as a duplicate by eBay based on same or similar product names. This can be a common occurrence with Duplicates.
- We recommend you end the original listing, please follow this FAQ to do so - http://ebaylinksupport.omnivore.com.au/support/solutions/articles/17000062538-how-do-i-end-a-listing-on-ebay-
- As mentioned a common reason eBay might determine your listing to be a duplicate is if the Product Title is the same or quite similar to another of your listings. You may have created a new product that has some similarities on title, price, description etc and eBay thinks it could be a duplicate. Theses points are covered in the eBay policy (linked above).
If you want to contact eBay directly for more information about the duplicate message you go from eBay eBay LINK users an use this email address here - aupriority@ebay.com
If you want to raise a support ticket please provide the following:
- The exact product title name, the link from your eBay LINK product search so we can access the product in eBay LINK.
- Information that may help us determine if any changes have been made to any products.
- Any communication from eBay.
- Any other findings when you search for the product in eBay LINK.
- Any validation errors or other product information.
As mentioned we do recommend reading the policy and also the email that eBay would have sent you about the detection of a possible duplicate.