Here are our top 10 tips to get you setup for success on the eBay marketplace.

List all available inventory

Make sure all products that can be sold on eBay are listed. Map your products to the most relevant eBay categories to list products.

See: Overview of category mapping

Product titles

Create an engaging title that makes the most of the 80 character limit. Use keywords that accurately describe your item and include important details like brand, product name, size, colour and model. Include the most relevant keywords buyers are likely to use when searching for your products.

You can edit individual titles under ‘Products’

You can also add rules to apply to all titles.

See: Optimise product title(s) for eBay

Unique product identifiers (eBay Item Specifics)

Ensure that you add product identifiers (UPC, EAN, ISBN etc.) for your products. This can greatly increase the chances of your products appearing in search, and being matched against the eBay product catalogue.

You can check GTIN existence here

See: Product Identifiers

Product descriptions

The more comprehensive and accurate your description is, the less likely a customer will be disappointed, or hesitant to purchase.

Using our system, you can edit individual descriptions, or apply a rule across all listings.

See: How do I edit my product description(s)?


Give your buyers free shipping and an Express Post option wherever possible. Offering free shipping and an Express Post option will make your listings more attractive to buyers, can help to boost their position in search results and means they may qualify for eBay Plus. If you do need to charge shipping we recommend you use postage rate tables. These allow you to set a specific postage charge for up to 100 different regions.

See: Setting up & managing shipping


Provide multiple high-quality images of your products that meet eBays image requirements. Do not place any text or borders on the images.

See: the eBay images

Competitive pricing

Make sure products are priced competitively (including shipping costs). Review competitors products on eBay.

You can use our system to change pricing on eBay without changing the pricing on your eCommerce store.

See: How to I change my product price(s) for eBay?

Customer service

Providing good customer service to eBay buyers is key to improving the position of your listings in eBay search results. Aim to achieve eBay top-rated seller status. Monitor your eBay seller dashboard to track your performance and take action accordingly to address the areas where you are not meeting their requirements. The consequences of falling below seller standard can include items being placed lower in search results, funds from your sales may be held and you may be charged a higher percentage in final value fees.

See: eBay Customer Service Tips, eBay Top Rated Seller


Listing products with variations on eBay can save you time and reduce your listing fees. It can also improve your visibility in best match search results as products in a variation format have the sales history of one item in the variation, carried over to all of the items.

See: Listings with variations


Consider using our promotions feature, or the eBay promotions manager, to run eBay specific sales or promotions.

This can be very useful as different types of products may sell better on eBay versus your own store.

See: How to use our Promotions feature, or alternatively consider using the eBay promotions manager.

Use Promoted Listings to boost your visibility in search results. Simply choose which listings you want to promote, set a competitive ad rate and your listings will be boosted in search results. Note that best results are obtained on listings that are already fully optimised.

See: eBay Promoted Listings

Returns Policy

Offer a 30+ day return policy. Allow change of mind returns. Offering free returns allows you to issue partial refunds if the item isn't returned in its original condition and protects you from neutral/negative feedback.

See: Managing eBay returns and Modify and create returns policy for eBay.