Setup International shipping options on your eBay listings

In this setup process you will adjust your business policies within your eBay Seller account on eBay

  1. Log into your eBay seller account.
  2. Go to
  3. Scroll down to the “Selling” section and select “Business Policies”.  
  4. You will see a screen that looks like this
  5. Locate the postage policy you wish to modify and click the “Edit” link. Note: please check in eBay Link / Omnivore to make sure that you are editing the policy that is named the same in eBay. In our example we are editing 'basic'.
  6. Scroll down to the "International Postage" section. Use the right hand toggle to show the blue which means you can now edit your international shipping options.
  7. Select your Cost type from the drop down then click Add Services.  In our example we have used Same cost to all buyers and we have two services, one for Canada and one for Worldwide, each with different costs.
  8. You can add up to 5 services for International.
  9. When complete, click the Save button to save your changes and apply the new international shipping options to your listings.
  10. If you select Cost varies by buyer location, you can still have up to 5 Service, but you don't add the cost yourself. The cost is calculated at the time of purchase when the buyer adds their postal address. This uses the eBay AU Aust Post rules to apply the cost. In our example we have set this up for Canada and Worldwide.