The information below is a check list summary to help you complete the setup and start selling in eBay.  You may also want to consider using one of our assisted integration packages.

Get started and begin to list your products on eBay using eBay LINK.  Please follow the setup articles below. Consider the 1-9 steps below that have to be completed.  Once complete, you must hit Start Selling on the Dashboard to get your products listed.

  1. Listing on eBay using eBay LINK - important information.
  2. Connect eBay LINK to eBay
  3. Keep your existing listings
  4. Choose what products to list using Blocking and Excluding
  5. Mandatory Business Policies to list and sell on eBay Australia.
  6. Managed Payments
  7. Shipping Policies
  8. eBay Product Listing Template
  9. Category Mapping

In eBay LINK the eBay Marketplace Tab will say "Setup' in yellow until Start Selling is clicked.  

** Do these final check before you hit Start Selling to Get Listing.

  1. Check your eBay Seller Account is correctly setup and that your store type is suitable for the amount of products you intend to list.
  2. If you have existing listings on eBay please note the importance and read the Keep Existing Listings FAQ in this article.
  3. Complete your Category Mapping to map your products to eBay Categories.
  4. Check your Shipping & Business Policies are setup, check the wording exactly matches what eBay require.
  5. Check you have opted in for eBay Managed Payments.
  6. Choose what you list and don't list.
  7. Check the eBay LINK Dashboard under Listing Errors for products that won't list due to errors.
  8. Check the eBay LINK Dashboard for general alert warnings.
  9. Check you are aware of all eBay Australia fees.

Other General Articles for Setup

Keep Existing Listings

Shipping Options

Business Policies

eBay Product Listing Template

Category Mapping

Create Product Groups

Block and Exclude Products

Good til Cancelled Listings

Setting a stock buffer 

Use a promotion to change the list price

How Support can help including assistance packages

In eBay LINK please navigate to the Settings - eBay Australia or USA, General & Shipping pages.  Here are some commonly used settings required for setup including Shipping that is completed directly in eBay and in eBay LINK.

Note: to apply changes made on this page be sure to scroll down and click 'Update'.

  1. Connect eBay LINK to eBay- you will need to authorise eBay LINK to eBay Australia.  This is section is at the top of the general settings page, you complete this by clicking 'Authorise Now' and logging in to your actual eBay Account.
  2. Choose which products to list - you can exclude products based on brand, title keyword,  and your own store categories.  This determines what you do or don't list on eBay.
  3. Set your eBay Returns and Payments information.
  4. Setup your customised listing Template for eBay, in eBay LINK go to Settings, on eBay Australia, Product Template and complete all relevant fields including a logo for your listings.
  5. Check tax settings, more info can be found here and also here.
  6. Orders - if you have existing orders on eBay and you don't want them imported use the 'do not import orders before this date' field.
  7. Complete your Shipping Setup

Overview of other settings

The Omnivore Settings, Functions and Features can all be accessed using the left hand menu navigation.  Over time you will get used to accessing these menus to make full use of the many features and functions of the Omnivore App.

Here is an overview:

Settings, Marketplace Name (eg eBay Australia), General:  the settings on this page are specific to eBay - you can also 'pause' the eBay integration on this page.  If you change anything on this page an Upload to eBay will be required.

Settings, eCommerce Platform Name (eg Shopify), General:  the settings on this page affect the import feed from your eCommerce Store.  Changes on this page will affect eBay and other marketplaces if you have them. If you change anything on this page an Import from your eCommerce Store (eg Shopify) will be required. 

Settings, Administration: this section relates to how we manage feeds, updates, orders and generic functions relating to the integration.  Changes made in this section are specific to the overall Omnivore account and they will affect the eBay integration and other marketplaces.

Settings, Account Summary:  this section is where you can view your invoices, general account summary, your contact information and also notification information.  Any changes made in this section won't need an upload to the marketplace but you will need to click the update button on the page.

The screen capture below shows the left hand menu options which also include how to access:

Products, Orders, Promotions, All Settings, and Support Articles. It also displays second tier settings in the Administration Menu.

After you have read this FAQ you may be ready to check out the Features and Functions Guide Page

If you would like to contact our Support Team please click here.

If you would like to contact eBay Australia Marketplace please log into your eBay Account and lodge a ticket to Customer Service or use the eBay AU Chat Support.

Next Steps - Check your eBay Seller Account

For Next Steps we recommend following this FAQ alongside reading and understanding the content in this article.

Remember please reach out if you need help.